Enerpoint for Africa

  • Project: AIDS orphans
  • Associations: Association “Friends of Angal”

This year too we decided to allocate the budget devoted to Christmas gifts to support a project of the Friends of Angal.

We decided to help orphans with AIDS because the number of these children is growing and is becoming an urgent need within the village.

Until a few years ago, in the rural society of Angal, the problem did not exist: the orphan was just accepted into the family clan.

Since 2000, however, as reported by Dr. Marsiaj, "the problem began to be felt".
It's in those years when the virus began to claim its victims among adults coming to decimate entire families. In some cases, have remained essentially the elderly and very few adults are unable to care for a growing number of children left alone.

The Association has therefore moved on this front, and with the help of the Comboni Fathers, this new project launched January 1, 2001 addressing the most urgent needs of these children.

We decided to act directly to aid individuals and families and make the able to receive and take care of these orphans.

Local collaborators distribute a cash twice a month to support the school fees and food prices. This amount must be a "help" in an emergency situation, it must not create dependency on Italian benefactors. The intention of the Association is in fact to avoid in all ways to pollute the ancient culture of welcoming orphans inherent in tribal society.

All the orphans of the village are also constantly monitored by medical point of view and their health and hygiene conditions are periodically checked personally by Dr. Marsiaj and his wife twice a year.

For the financial support of this project and to provide to basic needs (sustenance, medical care, education) of an orphan for a period of at least one year, we calculated the sum of half a euro per day (180 € per year) .

Today more than 200 children found a new family and we want to increase this number!

If you are interested in this initiative, go directly to the site of the Friends of Angal in the section on current projects.

Here are the references to make the donation directly to:
Reason: AIDS Orphans

Account No 000005412019
at Unicredit Bank agency Arbizzano - Negrar (VR)
ABI: 02008, CAB 59601, CIN: L
IBAN: IT 31 L 02008 59 601 000 005 412 019 (compulsory from 1/1/2008)

For international bank transfers:
Country: IT, EU CIN: 31

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